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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

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Class 6

Recommended Reading List Year 6


Just in time for World Book Day!


Please check out the recommended reading list for Year 6 pupils by clicking on the link below.


Search results - Peters


Challenge - How many books on the list can you read?



Class 6

2023 - 2024



We had the best tine at Bawdsey Manor! 

Activities included:

PGL Tournament


Silent *D*I*S*C*O* 

Jacob's Ladder       

Problem Solving        

Giant Swing        

Orienteering              ​


Discovery Golf​

Raft Building​





Beach/coastal walk​


Zip wire​

Challenge course​


Which was your favourite activity?​ Raft building because it was so much fun! -  Kundai

Most exciting activity?​ The Giant Swing  - Mo ( who squealed the loudest!)

Physically toughest activity?​ Jacobs Ladder because of how tall it was and how much upper body strength we needed - Freddie

The activity you had to be brave for?​ The Trapezez - leaping off the ledge was terrifying - Hezekiah

The activity you screamed at the most?!​ MO MO MO!!!! The Giant Swing!!!!!!!

The activity you never want to do again!​ I would do them all again as they were so much fun - except orienteering because it didn't involve harnesses! - Avisha

The best activity for teamwork?​ Raft building - because none of us wanted to get wet!! -  Theo




 Class 6 are now in the process of creating a PGL memory book. Watch this space for updates!


HOMEWORK TIMETABLE - remains the same for this term:


Monday - ATOM Science

Tuesday - Geography Project

Wednesday - Spelling

Thursday - Comprehension

Friday - White Rose Maths books

Class 6 Geography Homework Summer Term 

Week 1 


Design a front cover with the title ‘The Americas’ 


50 States: There are 50 states which make up the United States of America. How many can you name?  


Do this US States Quiz and try to name as many as you can in 10 minutes (or less!) US States Map Quiz ( 

Week 2 


Use the information you collected in this weeks lesson to write a information piece comparing your home area with an area in the Americas. 

Week 3 


Choose one of these three tasks: 


  1. Make it: Create collages of different biomes, selecting materials to represent different characteristics, e.g. sand, shiny blue paper. 

  1.  Graph it: Create graphs and charts to show monthly average rainfall, temperature and daylight hours for each location you have studied.  

  1. Research it: What type of extreme weathers are likely to occur in each area? What damage could each type of weather cause? How would you prepare for these weather events? Research historical weather events in each area and the impact on people living there. 

Week 4 


Choose one of these three tasks: 


  1.  Blog it: What is it like living in your local area? Can you write a real or imaginary blog post about daily life where you live?  

  1. Advertise it: Create a poster or leaflet to encourage tourists to visit your local area.  

  1. Paint it: Paint pictures of key places in your local area. 

Week 5 


 Plan a trip to an area of your choice in North America. These might include you planning flights, accommodation and places to visit during the trip.  

Week 6 


Choose one of these three tasks:  


  1. Write it: Create your own tourist information leaflets to advertise the different wonders you have learnt about.  

  1. Plan it: Create a travel itinerary to plan a ‘Wonders’ tour of the Americas that visits different sites. 

  1. Write a song or poem set to music about a wonder of the Americas. 

Our Pandoran themed book corner

Our projects are coming on nicely....

Spring Term Core Curriculum Coverage

The Bromley Festival


All of Class 6 have been entered to perform at The Bromley Festival for a group piece.

Please keep the 9th and 16th of March free! Once further details have been received these will of course be shared.

Our new book corner has been inspired by our English topic for the term.... Can you guess what it is?

Happy Christmas from Class 6!

Class 6

2023 - 2024


Welcome back to a new term and school year! 


Below are a copy of the timetables you need for this term.


Please ensure that you are ready to learn on Monday 5th September with all of the required equipment.


P.E days will be every Tuesday and Wednesday.




Daily Lessons and Homework Timetables

Autumn Term Core Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term Wider Curriculum Overview



Previous Class 6 work and activites can be seen below.

Spring Term Curriculum Documents 

Please note that there are some small changes to the timetable to reflect the recent staff changes and therefore also some changes to the homework timetable to make it more manageable.

Monday 28th November

In a block on the Class Five page, quite close to the top and dated Friday 25th June just before the Cat poem video, are examples of project work by past pupils that several people have asked to see as a guide to what is expected from the Class Six Charles Darwin Project.

I have amended the handing in date to the beginning of next term, but want Class Six to use their homework time from now until the end of term to finish the project so that only final touches need to happen over the Christmas break.

We are still hoping to visit Down House, Charles Darwin’s home, and photographs and notes taken during our trip may be used at a later date to add extra detail to the project. 

The finished piece needs to show the ability to present information gathered after research in a clear, creative and exciting way and be something that the maker is proud of. It would, of course, be appropriate to mention other contemporaries of Darwin who made huge contributions to his field of work, perhaps some unsung heroes.

The examples on the Class Five page are almost entirely handwritten, which is preferable as this confirms that the work is their own, although the original task did ask for a combination of handwritten, word-processed, diagrams, pictures, photographs etc which would be evidence of being able to present in a variety of ways.

The three projects shown are about three different scientists although I have not included all the pages of the last one and have edited them to make it anonymous. I have shown this one because the student made it really original by looking at each of Fibonnaci’s theories, found evidence in nature to support his claims then photographed the evidence and presented it in the project.

I have encouraged Class Six to be original and adventurous and especially to start working now so that they have completed, or almost completed the task before the end of term.

Mrs Saul



Half term homework task.

To support our work in school linked to 'Black History Month' I would like everyone to undertake further research into the life and contribution of an influential person of their choice. 

They may present this project in whichever way they choose, so it could be an A4 booklet or a larger sized poster or a PowerPoint presentation. 

I will endeavour to give all the children in Class Six the opportunity to share their project with the rest of the class sometime during the first week back.

Hope you all have a good half -term.

Mrs Saul



This term we have made paper mache shoes. First we chose a character from a story or film. The characters ranged form Katniss Everdene to Gru  We first started with a cardboard sole which we drew on paper and traced it out on cardboard. Then we had fun with newspaper, sellotape and glue

We sang at Milestone Academy with Fawkham and Hartley Schools. We also went to an old peoples home.

In P.E we have learnt how to manage risks.  We have to counted to 1000 in Chinese.

We have learnt lots; for example, every Friday we learnt movement and animals in Latin.  Quite recently we have been looking at Phillip Pullmans books. We have read the first chapter of Northern Lights and we have read all of the book Clockwork. We have written stories for Pre - school and Lower one, these stories are related to Christmas. 

We wrote two poems, one of them was about Remembrance day and the other poem was about Autumn days.


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Jia Goswami and Isabel Ford  

On Tuesday the 2nd October, we visited the Imperial War Museum. We travelled by train and we were amazed as we walked by the colossal cannons by the entrance. We did most of the Museum. The World War 1 gallery, Family at War which had a lot of old methods of washing and living, such as the mangle and wireless, the collection of things used by spies. We saw V1 and V2 rockets and a spitfire. We saw a Lancaster bomber and a Japanese kamikaze plane. 

We came home on the train very tired but were able, as a group, to finish the crossword in the Evening Standard.


 Aaliya and Emily

On Monday 1st September, our annual Harvest Festival took place in the Fawkham church. Many people donated lots of foods in beautifully decorated containers. The food ca
me in lots of different types; from pasta to tinned fruit cocktail. All the food was donated to the local foodbank.

Macmillan baking.

 The past two weeks have been incredibly busy. On Friday 28th September we all baked varied cakes. We made: Marble Cake, Lime and Lemon Cakes, Chocolate Brownies, Fairy Buns and Muffins. On Monday we hosted a MacMillan Coffee and Cake morning and afternoon tea. Lots of parents came along and we all had a great time.

Altogether, including Year 5's Roald Dahl sweets, we raised 


We would like to say thank you to everyone who came along to support us and a special thank you to all the parents that provided our ingredients and equipment.







   Hello everyone here is an update on Year 6 so far this term.

   We started learning about WWI in History and by reading War Horse. We also did some writing on Captain      Nicholls' (a character from War Horse) final words. Another thing we did was to draw all the characters in War Horse. After this we wrote a letter from Joey to Albert giving Albert an account of what had happened to him in the style of a 1918 letter

   Moving onto Maths we had a challenge to see if a Smartie weighed one gram and if any other sweets weighed a gram. We found out that a Smartie weighed 1.2g and the closest sweet to 1g was the chocolate buttons. The heaviest sweets were the foam bananas.

   We have started Latin and Chinese. In Latin we are learning about the Vindolanda family and in Chinese we are learning greetings. Ni Hao!

    On Friday please remember to weigh and bring in your ingredients so that we can make our cakes and decorate them at the weekend. This is so that we can sell them at the McMillan coffee morning and after school on Monday 1st October .

     On Tuesday 2nd October we will be visiting the Imperial War Museum and going on the train.  

  We are looking forward to it and will post some photographs.


         Vishnu and Avi









Class 6 2018-2019


       Welcome to the new  school year. I hope you have had a good summer and are ready for the challenge of 

        Year VI. 


        Thursday is coming up fast so here are a few bits of information to make the day run smoothly. Please bring a ruler and pencil. I will have loads of spare. You will also need a rubber. 

        The test will be done in the classroom and we will have decided where everyone will be sitting. It is usually  in alphabetical order. 

       Please bring some water and some fruit for break. Concentrating makes you hungry. 

      We will do the three parts of the paper in the following order...English and Maths first followed by the reasoning  and the writing task in the afternoon. 

      In the first tthree days of the week we will do a couple of practises to make sure we know the routine.

     Hope this answers your questions.



Here is a rough overview of the work covered this term. Please be aware it may deviate slightly as we tend to find other areas to study.



         Just a quick reminder that October 1st is Harvest Festival . We are going to combine it with the Macmillan           coffee morning and Year VI will be offering tea/coffee and cake for a donation. We will be making cakes             on Friday 28th so thinking caps on as to flavours and types of cake and maybe a bit of practise?  

Year VI 2017-2018

 Here are a few pictures from the Bikeability days. Even though they were quite hard work I think everyone enjoyed themselves.


A huge thank you to all the parents for bringing in the bikes. It proved to be a very worthwhile  activity. They all gained in confidence and road awareness. Hopefully they can all use these skills in at the weekends and in the holidays.

To Everyone.

A huge thank you for the Macmillan event. Thank you to the parents and Grandparents for providing the ingredients and equipment. Thank you to the class for such a brilliant effort in making the delicious cakes!!

I think we have raised a lot of money, more than we have in the past, and Mrs Tucker will let us know on Monday morning exactly what the total is.

Have a lovely weekend.

I am looking forward to our trip on Thursday.


Mrs Swaff.x


The First-aid course was a great success. It gave us things to learn and remember and things to go away and find out. It covered; 

Danger in the home. Accidents and what to do.

Bleeding and bandaging.

Emergency services. Who to call and when.

CPR. For adults. children and babies.

Asthma and allergies. (How to use an Epipen)

Shock and what to look for.


As a result of this list the class have a little bit of research and practise to do this weekend!!

  • Where is the main electric supply to the house and how to turn it off.
  • Do you have a First-aid kit? Where is it and do you have any gloves in it? It's a good idea.
  • Do they know their home phone number and postcode?
  • Are they allergic to plasters? (Most of them didn't know)
  • Are there any things on the school allergy list/food intolerances that should or should not be there?
  • And finally.......the fun thing......they need to practise putting you, their parent/Grandparent/any adult into the recovery position. 

Please can you send or email me; a photo of the last thing for a display.


Thank you. Have a good weekend.



As promised some time is a rough overview of the work covered this term. Please note that if anything out of the ordinary takes our fancy or interest we will probably pursue that line.

Macmillan Cakes . The start of good things to come.

 This Friday is the First-Aid course. I think it would be a good idea to be in PE kit and tracksuits.....especially for the bandaging and resuscitation part.  I will take photos!
 Thank you to Mrs Eyre and Mr Hori for their help and advice!!

 If anyone gets bored at home today...... You could always work on your Chinese or Space project.

If you build anything with the snow please take a picture. The challenge is, a snow monster or dinosaur! 

    Another snow day!!


   Those of you who have your Space Project with you can put the finishing touches to it. Those of you         who have left it at school could find and write out the information about the planets;

 Size, number of moons, length of year, and any other relevant details you can find.

 Chinese Project.....Can you research and find the Willow Pattern story and add it to your book. A design of the plate would be good. You Tube has a few set to music, I quite like the Jim Pryts Music's a bit American.  Design and make your cover please.

See you soon

Mrs Swaff x

P.S If you want to do some maths- try this site. What level can you get to?

