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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

‘Pupils are at the heart of everything we do’

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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

‘Pupils are at the heart of everything we do’

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Academic Subjects

Steephill School believes in having high expectations of children and as the class sizes are small, individual attention can be given to every child irrespective of ability. As a mixed ability school we have a range of strengths and weaknesses which we nurture and support respectively.


The support for each class is planned carefully on a provision map and this is then delivered using learning support assistants working within and out of the classroom as directed by the class teacher.


All national curriculum subjects are taught and we aim to cover the expected levels up to a year earlier. This allows plenty of time for children to focus on gaining a place at their choice of school when they are 11 years old.


Academic success has been very high. Every year 97% of our 5 year olds have reached good or higher in the Early Years outcomes compared to Kent average of 72%. In Class 6, on leaving the School, 90% or higher are historically working at a much higher than expected level for that age in maths, English and science.


Children succeed very well in gaining the school of their choice. In the last few years children have mainly gone on to Dartford Boys' Grammar, Dartford Girls’ Grammar, Mayfield Grammar, Gravesend Boys’ Grammar, Wilmington Boys’ and Wilmington Girls’ Grammars, Maidstone Grammar Schools, Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells Grammars, Kings Rochester Independent, St. Olave’s School, Medway Grammars, Cobham Hall Independent, City of London Girls Independent.


The curriculum encompasses the main subjects in a balanced timetable, including French and Spanish, as well as Mandarin and Latin in Year 6. Art, drama, presentation skills, leadership and philosophy are also part of our curriculum. The children have lots of opportunities to take part in music festivals and sports matches.
