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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

‘Pupils are at the heart of everything we do’

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Autumn term 2


Week 4 


International Day

The whole school has had great fun this week learning more about Africa and taking part in an African drumming workshop. The children were amazing at following instructions and learning about the different kinds of drums and what they were made from.

They learned different ways of using their hands to make a variety of sounds and copied different rythmical patterns too. As you can see by the photos, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves!







In English, we have been looking at instructions and what we need them for. We have looked at how to set them out and to use time connectives to order them and bossy verbs ( imperative verbs). The children all made a jam sandwich before then writing their own instructions! Yum yum!

 Week 2

In Maths, we have been learning to double numbers up to 10 and 20. We have drawn legs on spider bodies and doubled them on the other side to help us. Then we have learned to double larger numbers such as 9 + 9 =. We have been learning to put the first number in our head and count on the second number using our fingers!


Next, we are moving onto halving numbers. We teach this as sharing the number between 2 groups.


E.g.   Half of 8 =    o  o  o  o    l     o  o  o  o



In English we have been focusing on using adjectives to describe a witch and the ingredients in a spell. This week we are using adjectives to describe fireworks and write a firework poem. We will learning about the story of Guy Fawkes, sequencing the story correctly and writing sentences. One of our main targets is to use full stops and capital letters in our writing. We are modelling how to read through their work to see where a sentence finishes making sense and to then put the full stop in. This then has to be followed by a capital letter. Any further support with this would be much appreciated!


Most of the children are now being encouraged to start cursive handwriting and start each letter with a 'slide in'. Some are ready to start joining up their handwriting. When they learn to write cursively, they need to always start with their pencil on the line to lead in. 


Thank you for your continued support.


The Upper 1 team.



Doubling numbers

How to recognise a witch...

We hope that Hawks and Kestrels have had a lovely half term break.

We are looking forward to seeing you next week and hearing about the fun you have been up to.


Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday.


Miss Harvey and Mrs Poulter

Maths Overview


Below is a list of the objectives that we hope to cover this term in maths.

We will go over each topic in more detail to try and challenge the children.


I hope that you find this helpful. If you need any more information please ask :)



Doubles and halves of numbers

Double 1 to 5

share numbers to 10 to find which are even/odd

Find odd and even numbers on a 1–20 track

Shape and data

Name and describe some 2D shapes

Begin to use more mathematical vocabulary to describe properties.

Use a table to help sort objects

Number bonds

Partition 10 and record the related addition sentences

Write related addition facts for 6, 7, 8 and 9


Order days of the week

Order months of the year

Seasons (linked with science)


Know how much each coin to 10p is worth

Add 1p and 2p to coins up to 10p

Find ways to pay amounts to 10p

Measuring length

Measure length using a uniform unit

Estimate/measure length

Measure and estimate by comparing with a metre stick

Christmas problems
