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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

‘Pupils are at the heart of everything we do’

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Steephill Independent School and Pre-School

‘Pupils are at the heart of everything we do’

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Spring term 1


Welcome back. We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

We have another busy and exciting term ahead. 

Please look back at Autumn 2 where we have added some photos of the children in their play costumes and enjoying their Christmas dinners!

    We have had a lovely couple of weeks. In Science we have been investigating materials. We have helped Winnie the Pooh find a waterproof roof to go over his house to protect his honey! We used pipettes and water to test different materials to see which would be the most suitable! 


We have also investigated which materials were magnetic and non-magnetic. We made predictions first about the materials we thought might be magnetic. We then used the magnets to explore each object. This was a lot of fun and we made some very accurate predictions!




Hawks and Kestrels have enjoyed listening to many traditional tales this week. They have read the stories to each other, answered questions and listened to storytellers online.

They then worked in small groups acting out some of the different stories.

We have some amazing actors and narrators! We have also sequenced pictures of the stories

in the correct order and written about them!




